Thursday, July 31, 2008
Statement by Maria T. Zuber: Hearing on NASA at 50: Past Accomplishments and Future Opportunities and Challenges (SpaceRef)
Hearing on NASA at 50: Past Accomplishments and Future Opportunities and Challenges
Top Scoops (
After reviewing Robert M. Hazen’s 28-page CV. of his work as an experimental mineralogist (listing grant $$$ too), as an educator, author of a dozen books and a symphonic trumpeter – I was most charmed to read that a new mineral “precipitated” by microbes in California’s highly alkaline Lake Mono had been proposed in his honor in March of this year: “hazenite”.
Austin adventurer following dad into space (w/video) (Houston Chronicle)
In October, Richard Garriott will take a voyage to the international space station aboard a Russian spacecraft.
Discovery of the source of the most common meteorites (EurekAlert!)
Astronomy & Astrophysics is publishing the first discovery by T. Mothé-Diniz (Brazil) and D. Nesvorný (USA) of asteroids with a spectrum similar to that of ordinary chondrites, the meteoritic material that most resembles the composition of our Sun. Most of the meteorites that we collect on Earth come from the main belt of asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter [1]. They were ejected from ...
Open Question: Animal Crossing Ds question! PLEASE HELP!!!?
Do you know in the mueseum, they have rooms for fish, fossils bugs and art. How do you donate art? Where do you find it? PLEASE HELP!!!! thanks so much if you tell me :)
Summer harvest
With the next CityBeat "Great Demo Review" nearly nine months away, we decided to thresh away at our pile of recently released local albums to see if any shimmering needles were hiding in the haystack of ...
Open Question: how to polish fossils any one know? thanks alot!?
Open Question: Did God put Potassium-40 on earth to test our faith?
Apparently it decays with a half-life of 1.25 billion years, which would allow man to accurately date fossils. Did god make it look old in order to test us?
Leonid Meteor Shower: November 19, 2006
Leonid near Orion. Image credit: Mark A. Brown Click to enlarge One of the best meteor showers of the year is about to get rolling, so make sure you mark …
Tsunamis-not just from Earthquakes
Tsunamis, like the small one that impacted around the north Pacific today, can occur not only from earthquakes, but from asteroid or meteorite impacts, and one group of researchers say …
Higuain aura-t-il une deuxième chance ?
Le sélectionneur de l'équipe de France précise qu'il attendra de voir si le jeune Argentin continue à être "performant" ou s'il est juste une de ces "météorites" qui ne tiennent …
An Introduction into Biomass Energy
As fuel prices propel upward around the world and further concerns mount over global warming, many researchers and policy makers are looking toward renewable energy sources. For the most part, power m...
Holidaying in Johannesburg
Many people travel to the coast of Cape Town or Durban when they are looking to holiday in South Africa, leaving the Gauteng province nearly deserted. Holidays on the coast offer a spectacular, but...
Legoland California: A Theme Park For The Kid In All Of Us
Legoland California is a 128-acre theme park located in Carlsbad, near San Diego. It is the third of four Legoland parks and is the only Lego theme park in the United States. Geared to children betwee...
.Facts About Great Britain
Next time you visit Great Britain, go equipped with all the facts about it. Read on to find out all the facts about Great Britain. Great Britain is a large island surrounded by around 1,000 small isl...
Japan report: Solar power rises as fossils burn out
"We believe that by reaching the cost target of ¥23 (10.7 pence)/KWh, which is equivalent to the cost of power generation using fossil fuel, will increase the market for more environmentally friendly solar systems." ...
Voting Question: Pet rock Type?
Should I get a Mineral pet Rock, A Dull Pet Rock, A Rocky Pet Rock, A Shiny Pet rock, a Invisible pet rock, a smooth pet rock, a round pet rock, a metallic pet rock, a alive pet rock, a chia pet rock, a rock with googly eye...... rock, a rock with a smily face, a rock that can run fast, a rock that can break windows, a rock that can answer yahoo answer questions, a rock that has water in it, a rock that can float, Thats it. Admiteddly i did get a little silly, but there are some serious parts in that question
Vendian (Ediacaran) fossils from the Russia
Forum: Fossils and History Posted By: Aleksey Post Time: Jul 30th, 2008 at 11:48am.
Dinosaur Fossils: Soft Tissue or Biofilm?
The original research, published in Science magazine, claimed the discovery of blood vessels and what appeared to be entire cells inside fossil bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex. The scientists had dissolved the bone in acid, leaving behind ...
Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report - Sydney Morning Herald
Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - The only mineral exploration hole drilled in the project area (1998) intersected a quartzmagnetite rock interpreted as a metamorphosed Banded Iron Formation ... |
Channel Resources Update - Market Wire (press release)
Channel Resources Update Market Wire (press release) - "Channel Resources continues to refine its mineral property portfolio with the aim of creating value through the discovery of new mineral deposits," ... |
Fourth Quarter Activities and Cash Flow Report - Sydney Morning Herald
Fourth Quarter Activities and Cash Flow Report Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - New Projects The Company continues to actively seek new mineral projects which have the ability to add value to the Company. Currently Golden Rim Resources ... |
Picking through Pebble part 2 - Homer Tribune
Picking through Pebble part 2 Homer Tribune, AK - Other rocks like those at Red Dog have sulfite minerals, which, when wet and exposed to air, can decompose and release sulfuric acid. ... |
Highly encouraging first gold results from Coolac project - Sydney Morning Herald
Highly encouraging first gold results from Coolac project Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - ... of Meridian Minerals Pty Ltd, has returned highly encouraging first pass gold and silver results. Three mineralised vein sets have been mapped and rock ... Quarterly Activities and Cashflow Reports |
US $4.99 (0 Bid) End Date: Thursday Jul-31-2008 14:23:03 PDT Bid now | Add to watch list |
US $9.99 (0 Bid) End Date: Thursday Jul-31-2008 11:49:11 PDT Bid now | Add to watch list |
12 pc Rock/Stone Fossil Mineral Lapidary Chisel Carving
US $11.99 End Date: Thursday Jul-31-2008 12:10:13 PDT Buy It Now for only: US $11.99 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
US $1.00 (1 Bid) End Date: Thursday Jul-31-2008 15:05:00 PDT Bid now | Add to watch list |
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Lack of funds limits potential of carbon capture
Lack of funds limits potential of carbon capture
International Herald Tribune: There is such a buzz around renewable energy that you might think these technologies are developing fast enough to meet the majority of our power needs in coming decades. Think again. The use of wind, solar and geothermal energy is growing rapidly, but from very low lev...
Read the full post from Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming Newsfeed
Tags: carbon capture lack funds | Worldwide/General | none
via Blogdigger blog search for Fossils.
McCain: Obama To Blame For High Gas Prices
McCain: Obama To Blame For High Gas Prices
John McCain is trying to eat into Barack Obama's natural advantage on domestic issues by going after him on gas prices, continuing McCain's frame that Obama is "Dr. No" on energy. From the script: "Some in Washington are still saying 'No' to drilling in America, saying 'No' to independence from fore...
via Blogdigger blog search for Fossils.
Alternate Title: Still hoping for Mittens! It really isn't always that difficult to find agreement between the left and the right in this nation. Why just today, Wiley Cody posted one of the more agreeable things he's written. Relying on a title that has already gotten passe as a j...
Read the full post from A Chicken Is Not Pillage
Tags: Republicants, I am the Laughing Man!, Gelding McCain
via Blogdigger blog search for Fossils.
Thinking Beyond the Conventions: What Comes Next?
Thinking Beyond the Conventions: What Comes Next?
Among all the buzz surrounding the upcoming convention protests in the United States has been a palpable silence surrounding the question we will inevitably face: after the delegates are blockaded from the conventions, after the tear gas, the arrests, the media spectacle, trauma and recovery, what w...
Read the full post from GNN Blogs
via Blogdigger blog search for Fossils.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Mystery fireball seen streaking across sky in S California
A mystery fireball was seen streaking across the sky over Southern California, The Los Angeles Times reported on Wednesday.
Fayette County Meteorites and Tektites
Two unusual kinds of mineral specimens with cosmic connections have been found in Fayette County - meteorites and tektites.
Discovery of the source of the most common meteorites
Astronomy & Astrophysics is publishing the first discovery by T. Mothe-Diniz and D. Nesvorny of asteroids with a spectrum similar to that of ordinary chondrites, the meteoritic material that most resembles the ...
Gore Issues "Space Race" Energy Challenge
Gore Issues "Space Race" Energy Challenge
Get off fossil fuels by 2018. That's Gore's completely unrealistic charge to our nation....
Read the full post from Alternative Energy News
via Blogdigger blog search for Fossils.
Love is in the Stars
Irish actors Adam Fergus and Amy Huberman have just completed a film in which they play star-crossed lovers in the High Point Films romantic comedy "Satellites & Meteorites" from director Rick Larkin , ...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Bancroft Uranium Announces Findings of NI 43-101 Engineering ... -
Bancroft Uranium Announces Findings of NI 43-101 Engineering ... - Such factors include, among others, the inherent uncertainties associated with mineral exploration and development stage exploration companies. ... |
Simon & Schuster's Guide to Rocks and Minerals (Rocks, Minerals and Gemstones) Review
Unknown length - 2008-05-28
Practical, concise, and easy to use, Simon & Schuster's Guide to Rocks and Minerals contains everything that the rock and mineral enthusiast needs to know. This field guide is divided into two large sections -- one devoted to minerals and one to rocks, each prefaced by a comprehensive...
Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, Gems, crystal Collection UK
5 min - 2008-01-07
This Collection was from the yearly show at, ESSEX GEM & MINERAL SHOW NORTH ROMFORD COMMUNITY CENTRE, CLOCKHOUSE LANE, COLLIER ROW, RO Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, Gems for more information on shows accross England visit: The website list all the up and comming show around the UK.
Making ordinary rocks extraordinary - The Union of Grass Valley
Making ordinary rocks extraordinary The Union of Grass Valley, CA - Leaving the magma, the mineral-charged water finds its way through cracks in the rocks, carrying the atoms that would rather be dissolved in water than in ... |
The new Iron Age - The Engineer
The new Iron Age The Engineer, UK - This 100-year-old process uses bubbles to pick up fine mineral particles and separate them from waste rock. Cilliers believes that if this process could be ... |
Resolved Question: What do you think of these lyrics?
Im putting a few of my songs on here to see what people think of them, please give your honest opinion, thanks. UFO’s and TV Shows Have you ever wandered, want endless stars their are. The distances between and far. The hynotizing swirl of the milky way. A spiral of beauty and the human race. Where earth is found all alone, a place where people roam. Ever-growing and all unknowing, the universe is the beginning and end. A place where Mars is red and Neptune is dead, Where Pluto is cold and the Sun is gold. Astronomy, biology, religion and cosmology. the earth is an indented ball of matter, Theories and conspiracies, UFO‘s and TV shows, Meteorites and Satellites. A little cosmic flavour. A little cosmic flavour. The moon expresses a lonely smile, the brightest star attracts an exodus of exile. Staring at the nights sky, walking shoeless on the desert floor, feeling desperate, hungry and poor. Carrying a small child on his back, a man cries struggling more and more. A little old lady, sees a shooting star. A tear on her cheek reflects the skies beauty afar. That’s how beautiful the expanse can be, even when it times of disappointment and inhumanity. Astronomy, biology, religion and cosmology. the earth is a watered ball of matter, Theories and conspiracies, UFO‘s and TV shows, Meteorites and Satellites. A little cosmic flavour. A little cosmic flavour.
Resolved Question: What do you think of this Fossil watch?$fossil_detail$ I really like the trendy look. But how often should I wear it? Only when it suits the outfit?
Resolved Question: Was that a meteorite travelling across the NNE sky toward the west?
Late in the evening on Monday, June 30, possible early July 1, 2008, we saw a very bright and seemingly very close shooting star that looked quite blue, ending in sparks, from Bruce County south of Collingwood, Ontario. Did anyone else see this spectacular shooting star? Or was it a meteorite?
Resolved Question: Meteorite from Mars, how is it possible?
Several years ago, scientists said they had discovered a Meteorite that came from Mars. I don't debate that the rock may have the same composition as a Martian rock, but what kind of force of nature could launch a piece of Martian rock off the planet with enough force to reach escape velocity, without destroying it, and still be enough intact to survive re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere and survive an impact with the ground? Just doesn't seem possible to me. Can someone please explain this process in detail for me? Someone asked why I believe it could survive impacting with Earth and not escaping Mars gravity? Simply because falling to the Earth would not be as forceful as launching off of Mars. Show me the math, if I'm wrong.... Okay, so an object needs to maintain a speed of just under 8,000 miles per hour to escape the surface of Mars. I'm still not convinced! Give me more math! What amount of impact would be needed to accelerate a piece of rock off the surface and into space, (meaning it must maintain an average speed of 8,000 MPH without any additional thrust) that is large enough to not burn up while reentering Earth's atmosphere and disintegrate on impact? Calculate backwards from what is known of the composition of the meteorites found on Earth. Based on their properties, how big were they when they left Mars and what kind of force would be needed to blast them into space from the surface without a source of additional propulsion, and would they be able to survive the explosion? I'm still not convinced! How do we not know that those rocks simply formed in space, with the same properties of Mars, and finally just fell to Earth?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
One Night in Nevada: Up to the Darkness
One Night in Nevada: Up to the Darkness
From Goldfield it's just a (26-mile) skip up the road to Tonopah, the county seat of Nye. (Are there any two other county seats so close together?) We saw signs for the "Tonopah Station" Ramada along the way, advertising a chance to roll the dice and win a free room for the night. ("R...
Read the full post from
Tags: Diary, Astronomy, Travels
via Blogdigger blog search for Meteorites.
EWTN: EWTN Live - 5/7/2008>
Your Podscope hit is at 0:50 Hosted by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. with guest Robert Rodriguez: EWTN Media Missionaries
Void - Genesis 1:2>
Your Podscope hit is at 1:20 The earth was without form and void - Genesis 1:2
Resolved Question: What do you think of this Fossil watch?$fossil_detail$ I really like the trendy look. But how often should I wear it? Only when it suits the outfit?
Disproving Conventional Wisdom On Diversity Of Marine Fossils And Extinction Rates (Science Daily)
It took a decade of painstaking study, the cooperation of hundreds of researchers, and a database of more than 200,000 fossil records, but new research may be disproving much of the conventional wisdom about the diversity of marine fossils and extinction rates. While the research of other scientists showed eventual recoveries in the diversity of fossils after periods of extinction - especially ...
Resolved Question: where is that lab where u bring fossils to live on pokemon ruby?
Fish fossils fill in evolutionary link (The Kansas City Star)
Scientists have discovered the missing link in the evolution of modern-day flatfish, fish such as halibut and flounder that lie flat on the bottom of the sea and have both eyes on one side of their heads.
Flatfish Fossils Fill In Evolutionary Missing Link (Science Daily)
Hidden away in museums for more that 100 years, some recently rediscovered flatfish fossils have filled a puzzling gap in the story of evolution and answered a question that initially stumped even Charles Darwin. Opponents of evolution have insisted that adult flatfishes, which have both eyes on one side of the head, could not have evolved gradually. A slightly asymmetrical skull offers no ...
Fish fossils plug hole in evolutionary theory (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Some odd-looking fish fossils discovered in the bowels of several European museums may help solve a lingering question about evolutionary theory, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.
Flatfish Fossils Fill in Evolutionary Missing Link (Newswise)
Recently rediscovered flatfish fossils have filled a puzzling gap in the story of evolution and answered a question that initially stumped even Charles Darwin Opponents of evolution have insisted that adult flatfishes, which have both eyes on one side of the head, could not have evolved gradually. A slightly asymmetrical skull offers no advantage. No such fish--fossil or living--had ever been ...
50 mln-year-old fossils link to modern flatfish (People's Daily)
Fossils of fish with one eye atop its head and another on its side that is most likely an ancestor of modern flat fish -- such as sole, flounder and halibut -- were unearthed more than 200 years ago, but have just recently been brought to l ...
Phd Position For Department of Earth Sciences.
Phd Position For Department of Earth Sciences.
Two PhD positions Petrology and geochemistry at the Department of Earth Sciences. Starting date: October 2008 or later. Petrology and geochemistry (UFV-PA 2008/1851): This project will involve analysis of major elements, trace elements and radiogenic and stable isotopes in rocks and minerals from a ...
Read the full post from BEASISWA S1, S2 DAN S3
Tags: PhD
via Blogdigger blog search for Mineral rocks.
Naked Scientists 07.07.01 - Question and Answer Show>
Your Podscope hits are at 30:10 and 30:23 This week, playing bingo on an inflatable space station, a new way to attack the cause of Alzheimer's and mending a broken heart with stem cells. Also, using bananas to speed up fruit ripening, leeches out of water and chemical tricks to stop smoking and iron out wrinkles. Plus, in Kitchen Science we vibrate our way to a fountain in a cup!
The Fossils Record Refutes Evolution
6 min - 2007-09-24
Life emerged on earth suddenly and in complex forms. A fossil is the remains or traces of a plant or animal that have been preserved in the Earth's crust down to the present day. Fossils collected from all over the world are our most important source of information about the species that have ...
Naked Scientists 07.06.24 - ARMAGEDDON - Super Volcanoes, Meteorites and Earthquakes>
Your Podscope hits are at 10:15, 28:50 and 29:45 This week a rabies-based Trojan Horse that smuggles drugs across the blood-brain barrier, why first-borns are brighter, progress with Parkinson's and a lunar telescope more powerful than Hubble. Plus in this week's ARMAGEDDON-focused show we look at supervolcanes, earthquakes and arsenic, find out why curtains are absolutely lethal and why a meteorite impact probably didn't dispense with the dinosaurs after all. Also, in Kitchen Science, we test the claim that tapping the top of a fizzy drink before you open it stops it spraying all over you...
Lana Ante - Beads at Arts Prescott
Lana Ante - Beads at Arts Prescott
Lana Ante is an original member of Arts Prescott Cooperative Gallery. Her designs are known in Prescott and if you see someone wearing a Lana--you know they have been to Prescott's Home Town Gallery. Lana spent much of her childhood in the High Sierras, and in mineralrich Nevada, Wyoming, Ariz...
Read the full post from Rowena Bead and Fiber
via Blogdigger blog search for Mineral rocks.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Green Bullying
After years of talking a great game but delivering almost nothing when it comes to climate change, Canada's Liberal Party is promoting a carbon tax to help discourage the use of fossil fuels. It claims the Green Shift plan (here) is revenue-neutral, because "For every dollar raised i...
Read the full post from RoguePundit
Tags: The Environment
via Blogdigger blog search for Fossils.
Resolved Question: Pendant made of over 70 different natural minerals extracted from volcano this true?
There is a company selling this kind of pendant...i wonder anyone have it and is it work? Info: It comprise of over 70 different natural minerals extracted from volcano rocks which are then recombined using nanotechnology and heat fusion methods. It produces scalar energy that helps to enhance the bodys biofield. Scalar energy has definite positive effects on the body including: • Increasing the energy level of every single cell in the body by facilitating the entry of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cells. • Converting the water in the body to become smaller molecules (micro-clusters) which has better dissolving, cleansing and healing powers. • Neutralizing the harmful effects of external electro-magnetic radiation. • Reducing inflammation. • Improving brain power by increasing mental focus, enhancing creativity and calming the mind.
Laurie David: Victims of Global Warming: The "Lucky Ones" Got Shot
Laurie David: Victims of Global Warming: The "Lucky Ones" Got Shot
I'm back in Iceland, and although it might seem strange if you are familiar with my previous adventure here in the dead of winter I'm happy to report that July is definitely a better month for visiting than December. No howling winds or pounding rain. Fleece is still the garment of choice but the su...
Read the full post from The Full Feed from
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Shelby Smart Growth?
Today is the "call to action" event for Mayor A C Wharton's Sustainable Shelby initiative. Doug Farr, author of Sustainable Urbanism, will speak and the initiative's agenda and future plans will be announced. It starts at 2:30 p.m. at the Memphis Botanic Garden. But, while I'm very support...
Read the full post from Problem Properties Collaborative
Tags: Action Center
via Blogdigger blog search for Fossils.
Print it -
Chilean Marine Megabacteria Could be the solution to Energy Crisis. "If we find in Chile bacteria that can produce hydrogen, for example, they could be used as the gasoline we use ...
NPR: 05-04-2008 Most E-Mailed Stories>
Your Podscope hit is at 25:00 Stories: 1) On This Ranch, Old Mustangs Get New Life 2) Music Cue: The Case of Mistaken Lemonade 3) Marie Digby, YouTubing to Pop Stardom 4) 'Father of LSD' Dies at 102 5) 'Dahlia' Finds Humor in Tragedy 6) 'Baltimore Sun' Series Profiles Con Woman
Major UK fossil find: Not only the dinosaur, but the whole environment ... - Digital Journal
An Iguanodon could have had a better day back in the Cretaceous. But for paleontologists, it couldn’t have got much better. Everything about the dino’s death, even the plants ...
Pupils' amazing mammoth discovery - Eastern Daily Press
A textbook can seem a bit dry for many children or remote from the subject they are studying - while a class outing is often far more interesting and inspirational. For one group ...
Living Fossils
These mysterious creatures exist today more or less unevolved from the forms they had hundreds of millions of years ago.
Flatfish fossils fill evolutionary gap
Scientists have discovered the missing link in the evolution of modern-day flatfish, fish such as halibut and flounder that lie flat on the bottom of the sea and have both eyes on one side of their heads.In a fresh examination of ...
Flatfish Fossils Fill In Evolutionary Missing Link by Science Daily
ScienceDaily (July 10, 2008) — Hidden away in museums for more that 100 years, some recently rediscovered flatfish fossils have filled a puzzling gap in the story of evolution and answered a question that initially stumped even Charles ...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Resolved Question: science help?
weathering breaks exposed rocks of all types into peices, which can form what typ of rocks? a sedimentary b igneous c lithosphere 2 which is not a force that shapes and breaks rock surfaces? a air b ice c water d fish 3 streak is a better way to determine what color of a mineral is because minerals may come in many colors but the same mineral (no matter wha color) will have the same streak True or False
Post Here & There
Coal/Railroad Days pageant on tap The Appalachia Special Projects Committee will hold the Coal/Railroad Days beauty pageant, Saturday, July 12 at 2 p.m. in the auditorium at Appalachia High School.
Resolved Question: If you could turn your body into any metal or mineral in the world, which would you choose?
If you could turn your body into any metal or mineral in the world, which metal or mineral would you choose? I would choose to turn myself into diamond because it is rock hard yet pretty to look at. What about you?
Healing a Magnolia, Pruning Redbuds and Perfecting Peonies
Peonies need lots of sunlight to flower, but young ones won't for a couple of years.
Alert Issued For Smoldering Volcano
Geological experts in Indonesia Friday issued an alert, advising tourists not to climb Mount Anak Krakatau because it's spewing red-hot rocks and toxic fumes.
Tsunamis-not just from Earthquakes
Tsunamis, like the small one that impacted around the north Pacific today, can occur not only from earthquakes, but from asteroid or meteorite impacts, and one group of researchers say …
Leonid Meteor Shower: November 19, 2006
Leonid near Orion. Image credit: Mark A. Brown Click to enlarge One of the best meteor showers of the year is about to get rolling, so make sure you mark …
Higuain aura-t-il une deuxième chance ?
Le sélectionneur de l'équipe de France précise qu'il attendra de voir si le jeune Argentin continue à être "performant" ou s'il est juste une de ces "météorites" qui ne tiennent …
Source Of The Most Common Meteorites Discovered
Until now, astronomers have failed to identify their asteroidal sources because of the various geologic processes that occur after the meteorites are ejected from their asteroidal parent body.
Trips with Fido need planning
Carman RCMP have released surveillance video of a suspect who broke... Flow: For Love of Water Filmmaker Irena Salina travels around the world documenting global... How to conserve water at home Sun Media's ...
Discovery of the source of the most common meteorites
Astronomy & Astrophysics is publishing the first discovery by T. Mothe-Diniz and D. Nesvorny of asteroids with a spectrum similar to that of ordinary chondrites, the meteoritic material that most resembles the ...
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Did Moses Use Alien Technology to Part the Red Sea? — The Ten...
Did Moses Use Alien Technology to Part the Red Sea? mdash; The Ten Plagues of Exodus Your Own World Books 9 min 6 sec - Dec 12, 2006 The Hebrew account in the Torah (Old Testament) tells us the Ten Plagues of Exodus were God's punishment upon Pharaoh for being a hardhearted. However, the newly revealed historical accounts of the Egyptians offer a natural explanation. They tell us the plagues were the result of a global cataclysm that lasted for months. What is of vital importance to those of us living today is the what actually caused the Ten Plagues of Exodus. The Egyptians tells us it was a massive object called the Destroyer. As it passed through the core of our solar system, the Earth was pelted with a deadly hail of meteorites and shuddered from numerous catastrophic volcanic and seismic events. The Egyptians tell us it also caused Noah's Flood, and their prophecies tell us it will return in our time with equally destructive results. Originally found in the Great Book of Egypt, these secular accounts were recorded by academicians following the Exodus. Centuries after the death of Jesus, copies of these accounts were studied at the Glastonbury Abbey in Britain, and later incorporated into The Kolbrin Bible by Celtic priests.
fireball moves across the screen above the light atop the 'Beausejour's house' described in the video. Windows Media File - 3.7 MB (better quality) Quicktime movie file 2.3 MB - (lower quality) Spring 2004 Expedition to look for Meteorities! A meteorite was observed to fall in the Benton area of
Leonid Meteor Shower: November 19, 2006
Leonid near Orion. Image credit: Mark A. Brown Click to enlarge One of the best meteor showers of the year is about to get rolling, so make sure you mark …
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The danger of Asbestos
Asbestos is the collective term used to describe a family of several types of mineral fibrous rocks. There are currently six different regulated types of asbestos, with the three main types being Croc...
Discover Mineral Water Benefits From Water Purification Systems
There are supposed to be a number of mineral water benefits, in relation to your health, but the truth of these claims is questionable. Advertisements concerning the glories of mineral revitalization ...
B2Gold Corp. Announces Commencement of Diamond Drill Program at the...
Strathcona Mineral Services Limited completed a site visit and wrote a NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Mocoa property that has been filed on SEDAR.
FAP772: Free stuff Friday, Lender of Last Resort, SREB
FAP772: Free stuff Friday, Lender of Last Resort, SREB
Listen now:
Student Financial Aid News
+ At the SREB GoAlliance conference yesterday
+ Some revelatory facts - every 26 seconds, a kid drops out of high school
+ In some southern states, kids drop out as early as 4th grade
+ The causes are many - family influence, money, time, culture
+ Addressing the issue requires a multitude of approaches
+ My role was to help train GoAlliance members in direct to consumer marketing
+ Consequences are grave - statistically a college graduate makes more than $1.2M over a lifetime in earnings more than a high school graduate, $1.6M over someone with no diploma
+ That’s 3,323 kids a DAY - and that means $3.9 BILLION a day lost
+ NorthStar and Student Loan Xpress exit the student loan market
+ Chronicle: Responding to growing concern that student loans may be less available this fall, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who is chairman of the Senate education committee, introduced legislation on Thursday aimed at reducing borrowers’ dependence on private student loans and making it easier for colleges to find lenders for their students.
+ Mr. Kennedy’s bill, which comes amid a credit crunch that has caused a number of lenders to leave the federally guaranteed student loan programs and private-loan programs, would increase the maximum Pell Grant for the lowest-income students by up to $750. It would also increase federal loan limits by $1,000 a year for undergraduates who are dependents of their parents, and $2,000 a year for independent undergraduates and students whose parents cannot obtain PLUS loans because of their poor credit. The bill also aims to ease the process of applying for a loan under the federal government’s “lender of last resort” program, which would use guarantee agencies to provide loans if they become widely unavailable. Under current law, students seeking a loan would have to petition the Education Department directly and prove that they had been denied a loan by at least two lenders. Under Mr. Kennedy’s bill, the department could designate lenders of last resort on a collegewide, not a student-by-student, basis.
+ Stafford federal student loans at
+ Parent PLUS loans at
+ Private student loans at
Scholarship Update
+ Songs from the Heart
+ Rock, rap or riff an original song expressing your support for a cause or candidate you care about! Express yourself with an original song backing an issue close to your heart. The style of music is up to you! Create your original song, let your voice be heard and you could win $500! No purchase necessary. Open to anyone who is a resident of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia, has access to the Internet, and is 13 or older at the time of entry.
+ $500
+ June 11 deadline
+ Details at our free college scholarship search site
Free Stuff Friday
+ How to Find Lost Objects eBook
+ Sync up all your calendars with FuseCal
+ Chel Pixie warns to read the TOS on Photoshop Express
+ David Allen’s GTD email eBook
+ TONS of stuff today via
+ The Backyardigans printable coloring book
+ Sample of Maybelline Mineral Powder
+ Sample of Ultra Xcid Antacid by Zicam
+ Sample of Vaseline Intensive Rescue
+ Sample of Dove Go Fresh deodorant
+ Sample of Post-It flags
+ Seattle’s Best Coffee Sample
+ Curel Life Stages Sample
+ Always Samples
+ Fiber One Cereal Sample
+ Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer Sample
+ Vaseline Intensive Rescue Sample
+ FlexForce Trash Bag Sample
+ Gold Bond Lotion Sample
+ Purina One Healthful Life Cat Food Sample
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Technorati Tags: financial aid financialaidpodcast
Variations of chemical quality for drinking water sources in ...
The ultimate source of most dissolved ions in water is the mineral assemblage that occurs in rocks near land surfaces. The solids that dissolve into groundwater from this point, form part of the geochemical. Rock composition, purity ...
Tsunamis-not just from Earthquakes
Tsunamis, like the small one that impacted around the north Pacific today, can occur not only from earthquakes, but from asteroid or meteorite impacts, and one group of researchers say …
I've got the Blue Ridge Blues (Quartz, of course)
(The online copy is, sadly, in black and white, so it's impossible to admire the quartz, but a 2002 Virginia Minerals article about the VDMR's rock garden has a nice color photo.) Blue quartz is, mineralogically speaking, ...
Higuain aura-t-il une deuxième chance ?
Le sélectionneur de l'équipe de France précise qu'il attendra de voir si le jeune Argentin continue à être "performant" ou s'il est juste une de ces "météorites" qui ne tiennent …
Food made of rocks
4 min - 2008-03-26
Sink your teeth into a jaw-breaking banquet of delicious dishes made entirely from rocks that look EXACTLY like food. Bill and Lois Patillo take their "Rock Food Table" to gem & mineral shows across the USA. (#1017, 2/24/07)
Natural Abstract
Unknown length - 2008-06-26
Point Lobos, California, beach rock macro details. Colors are accurate ! See large view..For more info, see :
Using the Gemeni Table for Collecting Zircons
Using the Gemeni Table for Collecting Zircons
SDSU Geological Sciences
5 min - 2008-07-09
Zircon is a mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates. Its chemical name is zirconium silicate and its corresponding chemical formula is ZrSiO4. Hafnium is almost always present in quantities ranging from 1 to 4%. The crystal structure of zircon is tetragonal crystal class. The natural color of zircon varies between colorless, yellow-golden, red, brown, and green. Colorless specimens that show gem quality are a popular substitute for diamond; these specimens are also known as "Matura diamond". The name either derives from the Arabic word zarqun, meaning vermilion, or from the Persian zargun, meaning golden-colored. These words are corrupted into "jargoon", a term applied to light-colored zircons. Zircon is a remarkable mineral, if only for its almost ubiquitous presence in the crust of Earth. It is found in igneous rocks (as primary crystallization products), in metamorphic rocks and in sedimentary rocks (as detrital grains). Large zircon crystals are seldom abundant. Their average size, e.g. in granite rocks, is about 100–300 µm, but they can also grow to sizes of several centimeters, especially in pegmatites. Owing to their uranium and thorium content, some zircons may undergo metamictization. This partially disrupts the crystal structure and explains the highly variable properties of zircon. Zircon is a common accessory mineral and found worldwide. The pervasive occurrence of zircon has become more important since the discovery of radiometric dating. Zircons contain amounts of uranium and thorium (from 10 ppm up to 1 wt%) and can be dated using modern analytical techniques. Since zircons can survive geologic processes like erosion, transport, even high-grade metamorphism, they are used as protolith indicators.
Magic Rocks
Unknown length - 2007-11-21
Mineral Rocks at the museum that look really cool under black light.
Metamorphic Rocks 8-Part2
10 min - 2008-03-15
Part 2 Metamorphic Rocks 8-Part2 •Pyroxene in limestone •Succession of minerals dependent upon temperature, ie. High heat; pyroxene, Lower heat Olivine •Metamorphic aureole •Ore concentrations in metamorphic rocks •Clarabelle Mill, Sudbury ON; Staurolite mineral outcrop •Regional Metamorphism ie. Sudbury basin
St. Elias Mines Ltd.: Vilcoro Gold Property, Peru-Final Geophysical ... - Market Wire
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 9, 2008) - Lori McClenahan, President of St. Elias Mines Ltd. ("St. Elias" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:SLI)(OTCBB:SELSF ...
Forest Service reviving Mineral Peak fire tower - Missoulian
Three volunteers for the program Passports in Time stand watch as they help move items by ropes to the top of the Mineral Peak Lookout in the Lolo National Forest. The group of ...
The keepers of the moon - International Herald Tribune
HOUSTON : In the lab, the Moon rocks look nondescript — dark gray basalt, a whitish mineral called anorthosite and mixtures of the two with crystals thrown in. Yet nearly 40 ...
Freewest Updates Exploration Activities on Its McFaulds Project in ... - Earthtimes
- Diamond drilling to occur on 3 of Freewest's McFaulds Lake area properties this summer - Numerous high-quality airborne and ground geophysical anomalies to be targeted on ...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ken Ham - Fossils And The Flood
Ken Ham - Fossils And The Flood
29 min - 2006-08-10
Fossils And The Flood
7 min - 2008-03-05
A fossil is the remains or traces of a plant or animal that have been preserved in the Earth's crust down to the present day. Fossils collected from all over the world are our most more... important source of mation about the species that have existed on Earth since life began. All these specimens manifest one single truth: Living things did not come into being through the fictitious processes of the theory of evolution, but were created in a single moment.
8 min - 2008-07-09
The fossil record is perhaps the most important evidence that demolishes the theory of evolution's claims. Living things did not come into being through the imaginary processes of evolution. fact of creation is once again revealed in the traces left behin
30 pc Rock, Mineral Gem Collection. Worldwide minerals.
US $19.95 (0 Bid) End Date: Wednesday Jul-09-2008 19:38:52 PDT Buy It Now for only: US $20.95 Bid now | Buy it now | Add to watch list |
Amethyst Cluster Medium mineral specimen crystals CF
US $4.44 (0 Bid) End Date: Wednesday Jul-09-2008 18:46:02 PDT Bid now | Add to watch list |
US $19.99 (0 Bid) End Date: Wednesday Jul-09-2008 20:26:56 PDT Buy It Now for only: US $29.99 Bid now | Buy it now | Add to watch list |