Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lack of funds limits potential of carbon capture

Lack of funds limits potential of carbon capture

Lack of funds limits potential of carbon capture

International Herald Tribune: There is such a buzz around renewable energy that you might think these technologies are developing fast enough to meet the majority of our power needs in coming decades. Think again. The use of wind, solar and geothermal energy is growing rapidly, but from very low lev...

Read the full post from Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming Newsfeed

Tags: carbon capture lack funds | Worldwide/General | none

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McCain: Obama To Blame For High Gas Prices

McCain: Obama To Blame For High Gas Prices

John McCain is trying to eat into Barack Obama's natural advantage on domestic issues by going after him on gas prices, continuing McCain's frame that Obama is "Dr. No" on energy. From the script: "Some in Washington are still saying 'No' to drilling in America, saying 'No' to independence from fore...

Read the full post from MyDD

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Alternate Title:  Still hoping for Mittens! It really isn't always that difficult to find agreement between the left and the right in this nation.  Why just today, Wiley Cody posted one of the more agreeable things he's written.  Relying on a title that has already gotten passe as a j...

Read the full post from A Chicken Is Not Pillage

Tags: Republicants, I am the Laughing Man!, Gelding McCain

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Thinking Beyond the Conventions: What Comes Next?

Thinking Beyond the Conventions: What Comes Next?

Among all the buzz surrounding the upcoming convention protests in the United States has been a palpable silence surrounding the question we will inevitably face: after the delegates are blockaded from the conventions, after the tear gas, the arrests, the media spectacle, trauma and recovery, what w...

Read the full post from GNN Blogs

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