Japan report: Solar power rises as fossils burn out
"We believe that by reaching the cost target of ¥23 (10.7 pence)/KWh, which is equivalent to the cost of power generation using fossil fuel, will increase the market for more environmentally friendly solar systems." ...
Voting Question: Pet rock Type?
Should I get a Mineral pet Rock, A Dull Pet Rock, A Rocky Pet Rock, A Shiny Pet rock, a Invisible pet rock, a smooth pet rock, a round pet rock, a metallic pet rock, a alive pet rock, a chia pet rock, a rock with googly eye...... rock, a rock with a smily face, a rock that can run fast, a rock that can break windows, a rock that can answer yahoo answer questions, a rock that has water in it, a rock that can float, Thats it. Admiteddly i did get a little silly, but there are some serious parts in that question
Vendian (Ediacaran) fossils from the Russia
Forum: Fossils and History Posted By: Aleksey Post Time: Jul 30th, 2008 at 11:48am.
Dinosaur Fossils: Soft Tissue or Biofilm?
The original research, published in Science magazine, claimed the discovery of blood vessels and what appeared to be entire cells inside fossil bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex. The scientists had dissolved the bone in acid, leaving behind ...