Experts examine items including pet bones, mistaken meteorites and dinosaur eggs for members of the public every few months, free of charge, at the ROM.
Netroots Nation: Days 2 and 3, Quanah to Austin to Dean
Netroots Nation: Days 2 and 3, Quanah to Austin to Dean
Hey, hay! We arrived in Austin last night about 9:00 PM, sticky, tired and hungry from the road. We're at the Hilton across from the Convention Center and netroots geeks are everywhere with their orange Netroots Nation gear, laptops and phones that do everything but prepare dinner. Libruls in Texas ...
Read the full post from Democracy for New Mexico
Tags: netroots nation
via Blogdigger blog search for Mineral rocks.
Blogriculture: Valuable meteorites
Blogriculture: Valuable... [posted on ImagesOfAmerica - West Linn in West Linn]