Doctor Who (Classic Series): Falling Meteorites
Doctor Who (Classic Series): Falling Meteorites
2 min - 2008-01-03UNIT works out what to do about some falling
Collecting Meteorites in AntarcticaCollecting Meteorites in AntarcticaGoogle engEDU
41 min - 2006-01-26Google TechTalks January 26, 2006 Dr. Monika Kress Dr. Kress was a member of the ANSMET 2003-04 Expedition. (ANSMET = Antarctic search for
meteorites) ABSTRACT Every year since the late 70's the US National Science Foundation has supported a team of space scientists to search for
meteorites in Antarctica. Why Antarctica? The polar desert environment best preserves these precious samples of other worlds, which include shattered planetesimals, fragments of asteroids, and even rocks from the Moon and Mars. In this talk, I will discuss the scientific importance of
meteorites, and the methods used to recover them from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.
big fishy, little fishies big fishy, little fishies
Aboriginal Boreal Conservation Leaders."The series highlights Aboriginal leaders in boreal forest conservation through a series of personal interest stories." Honouring our aboriginal sons and daughters . Want to know if waterboarding is torture? Ask Christopher Hitchens. Keeping an eye on the fasc1...
Read the full post from Native Art and Bingorage.
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Boom! Boom!
Stamane noto una valigia abbandonata davanti al balcone di casa mia e subito mi torna in mente il falso allarme bomba di qualche anno fa. Era una sera dell'estate del 2002, se non ricordo male, e qualcuno aveva lasciato una ventiquattrore accanto al portone dello stabile in cui abito. Evidentemente ...
Read the full post from CattivaMaestra RSS
Tags: My2Cents
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The Keepers of the Moon The Keepers of the Moon
Decades after the Apollo astronauts brought the first Moon rocks back to Earth, they are still providing scientists with new secrets....
Read the full post from NYT > Science
Tags: Space, Science and Technology, Geology, moon, Solar System, Rock and Stone, Meteors and Meteorites
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