It’s a great find’ - Daily Herald Tribune
It was the culmination of three weeks of work for dinosaur paleontologist Phil Curry and his team of students, watching as three skulls from a new species of pachyrhinosaur were ...
Fundy fun - Canoe
Looking for the ultimate family vacation, but only have a few days? Well, you can stop your quest because New Brunswick's Fundy Coastal Drive rocks in the family fun department ...
When Antarctica used to be green - News.Mongabay
At one time an alpine lake was inhabited by mosses and diatoms; insects such as beetles and midges crawled among sparse ferns and various crustaceans lived amid the lake's calm ...
Desert Day Trips - Egypt Today
Yo u don’t have to be a diehard camper to enjoy the beauty of Egypt’s Western Desert. For those who don’t have time or inclination to spend long hours or even days en route ...