With the next CityBeat "Great Demo Review" nearly nine months away, we decided to thresh away at our pile of recently released local albums to see if any shimmering needles were hiding in the haystack of ...
A Piece of the Moon and Mars come to Piggott
Image Credit: JPL/NASA. This is an artist's rendition of the Phoenix spacecraft on Mars.
Meteorite Offers A Primordial Peek - New York Times Blogs
Meteorite Offers A Primordial Peek New York Times Blogs, NY - The meteorite turns out to be a type known as carbonaceous chondrites, which contain sizable quantities of carbon and organic molecules. ... |
Ancient Bacterial Fossils May Exist on Moon - FOXNews
Ancient Bacterial Fossils May Exist on Moon FOXNews - Now, work by a team of English scientists reinforces an earlier suggestion that evidence of life on the early Earth might be found in meteorites on the moon ... |