Knowledge of fossils pays off (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Most of us think fossils are fascinating evidence of life in the past, eons before the first person appeared. People are usually captivated by the large fossils -- dinosaurs, mammals and sharks -- but only a few ever look at the microfossils. Dinoflagellates, calcareous nanofossils, diatoms, pollen and numerous other microscopic plants and animals are present in the Earth's layers, or strata. In ...
In print (Science News)
Well-preserved fossils deposited in the sediments of an Antarctic lake about 14 million years ago pin down when a large part of the now-icy continent most recently dipped below freezing.
Fossils Add More Proof of Global Climate Shift (New York Times)
Fossils uncovered from the Antarctic form the basis for further understanding of global cooling that occurred during the mid-Miocene epoch.