The theory of biological evolution includes the concept that 1. species of organisms found on Earth today have adaptations not always found in earlier species 2. fossils are the remains of present-day species and were all formed at the same time 3. individuals may acquire physical characteristics after birth and pass these acquired characteristics on to their offspring 4. the smallest organisms are always eliminated by the larger organisms within the ecosystem
ELBA island
Unknown length - 2008-01-04
Christmas 2006 and new year on the Elba island - The Island of Elba is located in Italy,in the middle of the Tuscan Archipelago Marine Park .It has an area of 200 square km and a coastline of 147 km, continuously alternating between beaches and rocks, gentle slopes and sheer cliffs.The Elba was known in the ancient world with the name AETHALIA (fire), : the Greeks of the 5th century BC called it thus because of the fires that rose from the ovens used to smelt iron. It was the ample presence of this mineral that characterized the Elba .In the first years of the 50's, when Elba was discovered by tourism and has become one of the most desirable tourist destinations.
Open Question: What is the fossil formed when an impression made in the mud hardens into rock?
This is both a crossword and a homework. Must be related to the theory of evolution. And the answer to this question, must be 7 letters long. Thanx
Open Question: A fish FOSSIL (with pictures). How much does it worth ?
I want to sell that fish fossil on eBay but I really don't know how much it worth at all.. Do you ?? Here are 2 PICTURES of it : (I saw on ebay that some of them was sold around 10'000 USD)
Open Question: please help!! i'm so lost.?
At the turn of the century, mining was very productive in Northern California. Minig for gold, coal, silver and other types of precious metals and fossil fuels was what kept California alive. In order for miners to see what they were doing, they would take down with them gas burning lanterns. These men were often found digging hundreds of feet under the ground, with only the tunnel opening exiting back out into the open air above ground. These men often took a caged canary down with them during the entire time while they were digging away. Even though this little yellow bird is very pretty, it meant much more to these men than just a companion at these great underground depths. It is your job to thoroughly explain the physiological reasoning of why a canary was taken down. Justify all of your points and be very physiologically supportive of all that you state. Also, if you think that size has something to do with this, then why wasn't a mouse taken down instead?