Sunday, April 20, 2008

Voting Question: meteorites for sale?

Voting Question: meteorites for sale?
where can i buy a meteorite that is about only 1-2 inches? how much is it? pls. pls. pls. help.... pls... not exceeding 10 in

Resolved Question: did i find a meteorite? picture included...?
I used to find these as a kid south of Dallas in a rural area. They usually came imbedded in white sedimentary rock sometimes in creek washouts. You could find them easy by the orange stains they would leave on the surrounding white rock. Although they are also found just digging them up in my black dirt yard. They always come in the shape of a sphere and sometime cylindrical tubes. They are not metal because a magnet will not stick to them. They are very heavy and dense. go to the link below to see what the sphere looks like. They are normally about the size of a ping pong ball all the way down to the size of a pea.

Resolved Question: earth science questions?
Today in class we watched a video called "Origins" by nova about the Big Bang theory. Here are some questions i have about this. thanks in advance. 1) Why do scientists have to look to outer space for evidence of the birth of our planet? 2)What is the developmental difference between planets and meteorites? 3) Why do you think we would send a satellite to get material from a meteorite? 4) Why do we have a magnetic north? 5) Why do some planets have an atmosphere (like ours, Mars) and other planets do not? Thanks in advance for your answers.

Resolved Question: Maby instead of trying to `save this planet'?
Maby instead of trying to `save this planet'? We could just make it last longer I guess.I mean we cant `save it' everyone is always going to use energy(regardless of how mutch) trying to save energy and things like that can make a difference but wouldnt `save our planet' because ppl are always going to use energy. the only way to `save it forever;(or until God or a meteorite comes or something) we would have to stop using energy what so ever! I know nuclear energy makes a big difference but somewhere someone is always going to be using` bad for the enviroment' energy.What do you think? sure we can use other beter for the planet energy like nuclear power(like if every country went nuclear) but somwhere someone is always going to be using `bad for the enviroment energy' so...and I know energy usage doesn`t alone cause climate change..but it contributes and this might put this `save' the planet thing at rest.bcause I guess we`ll never stop using some sort of energy so making this earth last as long as possible,maby not `saving it I think thats a more realistic approch.making it last for our kids to enjoy and if other generations survive.....What do you think? yes energy might not even realy be causing climate change that mutch but it might be a more realistic approch.