Thursday, July 31, 2008

Open Question: Animal Crossing Ds question! PLEASE HELP!!!?

Open Question: Animal Crossing Ds question! PLEASE HELP!!!?
Do you know in the mueseum, they have rooms for fish, fossils bugs and art. How do you donate art? Where do you find it? PLEASE HELP!!!! thanks so much if you tell me :)

Summer harvest
With the next CityBeat "Great Demo Review" nearly nine months away, we decided to thresh away at our pile of recently released local albums to see if any shimmering needles were hiding in the haystack of ...

Open Question: how to polish fossils any one know? thanks alot!?

Open Question: Did God put Potassium-40 on earth to test our faith?
Apparently it decays with a half-life of 1.25 billion years, which would allow man to accurately date fossils. Did god make it look old in order to test us?