Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fish fossils fill in evolutionary link (The Kansas City Star)

Fish fossils fill in evolutionary link (The Kansas City Star)
Scientists have discovered the missing link in the evolution of modern-day flatfish, fish such as halibut and flounder that lie flat on the bottom of the sea and have both eyes on one side of their heads.

Flatfish Fossils Fill In Evolutionary Missing Link (Science Daily)
Hidden away in museums for more that 100 years, some recently rediscovered flatfish fossils have filled a puzzling gap in the story of evolution and answered a question that initially stumped even Charles Darwin. Opponents of evolution have insisted that adult flatfishes, which have both eyes on one side of the head, could not have evolved gradually. A slightly asymmetrical skull offers no ...

Fish fossils plug hole in evolutionary theory (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Some odd-looking fish fossils discovered in the bowels of several European museums may help solve a lingering question about evolutionary theory, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.

Flatfish Fossils Fill in Evolutionary Missing Link (Newswise)
Recently rediscovered flatfish fossils have filled a puzzling gap in the story of evolution and answered a question that initially stumped even Charles Darwin Opponents of evolution have insisted that adult flatfishes, which have both eyes on one side of the head, could not have evolved gradually. A slightly asymmetrical skull offers no advantage. No such fish--fossil or living--had ever been ...

50 mln-year-old fossils link to modern flatfish (People's Daily)
Fossils of fish with one eye atop its head and another on its side that is most likely an ancestor of modern flat fish -- such as sole, flounder and halibut -- were unearthed more than 200 years ago, but have just recently been brought to l ...