Friday, May 23, 2008

"There was no excuse for being late in the Stone Age."

"There was no excuse for being late in the Stone Age."

"There was no excuse for being late in the Stone Age."

There are two performers I can think of with the force of personality and skill to hold the attentions of thousands of people over the span of an evening, all by themselves. One is Keith Jarrett, and the other is Eddie Izzard. Both create and sustain a dazzling pace of invention, and when it works, ...

Read the full post from Deceptively Simple

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Sequel To Donnie Darko?!

Sequel To Donnie Darko?!

Considering that Donnie Darko is one of my favorite movies, I'm quite dismayed to hear that a sequel is apparently in development entitled S. Darko . Here's the pitch that in my mind summarizes how much this movie will blow: "Donnie's not in [the new film] but there are meteorites and rabbits." WTF?...

Read the full post from DrikoLand

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Kate Clinton: St. Alf's Science Fair

Kate Clinton: St. Alf's Science Fair

Faster than you can say, "CA Supreme Court overturns ban on gay marriage," his Extreme Slippery Slopeheadedness, Pope Benedict, had an announcement to make. Barely taking the time to translate it from the Latin, in that oddly high voice, the pope restated the Church's position that only unions betwe...

Read the full post from The Full Feed from

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